August 28th
10000 (C64) logo for Lazer, already used in 'The Christmasdemo'
late May
Lazer Intro (C64) code & logo for Lazer, logo already used in 'The Christmasdemo'
X-Ray Intro (C64) code & logo for X-Ray / Lazer
April 23rd (Crazy-Party)
Lazer Intro (C64) logo for Lazer, already used in 'The Christmasdemo'
December 16th
The Christmasdemo (C64) design, code & graphics for Lazer
HSC and Storm leave
early December
RCS 2100 Intro (C64) code & logo for RCS 2100
Live and Let Die (C64) cracked for Lazer
sub-group of Lazer
October 27th
Cybernoid II (C64) frozen for Lazer
Lazer Intro (C64) logo for Lazer
sub-group of Lazer
October 10th
Danger Freak (C64) +2 trained the Lions crack for Lazer
Lazer Intro (C64) code & logo for Lazer
BBC Intro (C64) code for Barbarian Cracking Crew
July 31st
Hummdinger (C64) cracked & +1 trained for Lazer
Lazer Intro (C64) code & logo for Lazer
Dr Firlefanz founds Lazer, which The Crack Machines becomes a sub-group of
early May
Lazer Intro (C64) logo for Lazer, already used in 'The Christmasdemo'
Lazer Intro (C64) code & logo for Lazer
October 29th
Lazer Intro (C64) code & logo for Lazer
October 27th
Lazer Intro (C64) code for Lazer
early October
Lazer Intro (C64) code & logo for Lazer