2000 A.D.



Chilly the Most (C64)

2000 A.D. is dead on the C64


Comic leaves and joins Illusion


First Over Germany (C64) cracked

Spike and Exiz join


3-D Pool (C64) cracked

May 26th

Abnormal Intro (C64) logo for Abnormal, already used in 'Illegal'

May 22nd

H.A.T.E. (C64) cracked

May 8th

Beyond the Beat! (C64)

members: Apollon, Blitz, Comic, Drake, Droid, Ivory, Jerry, Krush, Lotus, Luxor, Nam, Network Ten, Rocha, Sonny, Wizz

April 13th

Chicago's 30 (C64) cracked

April 10th

Human Killing Machine (C64) cracked & +1 trained

March 25th (Ikari & Zargon Party)

Illegal (C64) graphics for Abnormal

member of FALLOS

March 22nd

Killing Commies! (C64) font for Abnormal + Future, already used in 'Setting for Perfection'

March 21st

Trixter (C64) logo for Pulsar

March or earlier

Lights of Dawn (C64)

members: Apollon, Blitz, Comic, Drake, Droid, Ivory, Jerry, Krush, Lotus, Luxor, Nam, Network Ten, Rocha, Wizz

February 26th (Rawhead, Bros & Suppliers Copy Party)

Seeker VIII - Partyseeker (C64) font for Abnormal, already used in 'Setting for Perfection'

February 9th

Incredible Shrinking Sphere (C64) cracked


Outworn (C64) released in co-op with House of Lords

Ivory leaves Freedom Force and joins

January 27th

Brainstorm (C64) cracked

January 7th

Maximum Overdrive III (C64) graphics for Ikari, font already used in 'Setting for Perfection!!'

January 1st?

Seeker VII - Death Seeker (C64) logo for Abnormal, already used in 'Setting for Perfection!!'

December 10th

Ikari Intro (C64) music for Ikari

Ikari Intro (C64) music for Ikari, already used in 'Ikari Intro'

December 5th

Why Not Mosh ! (C64)

Injun joins

after November 5th?

Setting for Perfection!! (C64) graphics for Abnormal

October 21st (Hexagon Copyparty)

2000 A.D. Party (C64)

Frenzy, Savage and Laxity leave and join Starion

members: Manimal, Droid, Codex, Comic, Blitz, Softtech, Krush, Wizz, Apollon

September 30th

Barbarian II (C64) cracked, +2 trained & docs added

early September?

Batman's Return! (C64)

members: Savage, Manimal, Wizz, Blitz, Apollon, Laxity, Comic, Frenzy, Droid, Softtech, Krush, Passion, Codex

August / September

Liteace leaves

August 31th

Slim (C64)


Close to Finish (C64)

Comic joins

August 18th

I'm Ruling (C64)

members: Apollon, Blitz, Droid, Liteace, Wizz, Manimal, Laxity, Softtech, Savage, Frenzy, Passion, Krush, Comic


Ikari Intro (C64) music for Ikari


Underlight! (C64)

members: Laxity, Savage, Softtech, Wizz, Manimal, Apollon, Krush, Passion, Droid, Blitz, Frenzy

July 8th

New Limits (C64) music for The Supply Team


Practical Joke (C64)

members: Apollon, Blitz, Manimal, Laxity, Savage, Droid, Sarch, Passion, Krush, Softtech, Liteace, Wizz

June 30th (Dexion Copyparty 88)

Demo of Doom (C64) released in co-op with The New Aces

members: Laxity, Savage, Softtech, Wizz, Manimal, Apollon, Krush, Passion, Droid, Blitz, Frenzy

June 27th

Wizax 2004 Intro (C64) music for Wizax 2004

April - August

X-zorcisms! (C64)

Frenzy leaves

May 21st?

Antioxid (C64) music for The New Aces


A New Sensation (C64) music for INXS, already used

May 2nd

Back to Burn (C64)

members: Apollon, Blitz, Droid, Softtech, Wizz, Laxity, Manimal, Warp, Scorpio, Frenzy, Savage

April 28th

G.U.T.Z (C64) cracked & +1 trained

April 25th

D V Jeg Ik Enu (C64)

members: Apollon, Blitz, Wizz, Manimal, Softtech, Droid, Warp, Scorpio, Savage, Laxity, Frenzy

before April 25th

Denethor gets kicked, Starfox leaves and joins System, JCH leaves and joins Jewels

April 19th

Iron Horse (C64) cracked


Enjoystick! (C64)

March 19th

Rimrunner (C64) cracked, +6 trained & docs added

March 5th?

Respectable! (C64)

Wizz, Laxity and Warp leave Zetrex 2005 and join

members: Apollon, Blitz, Droid, Softtech, Scorpio, Manimal, Wizz, JCH, Laxity, Savage, Starfox, Denethor, Frenzy, Warp

March 1st

Cozmix's Best II (C64) rasters for Triangle 3532

February 29th

Frightmare (C64) +3 trained the Fusion crack

Network Ten leaves the C64

February 20th (New Life's Copy'88)

Rocky Star (C64) logo for Dexion


member of Federation Against Supply Team

November 27th

Captain America (C64) cracked

members: Apollon, Blitz, Droid, Jolly, Network Ten, Softtech

November 25th?

↑No Mercy (C64)

member of Federation Against Supply Team

members: Apollon, Blitz, Droid, Jolly, Network Ten, Softtech


Bubble Bobble (C64) cracked & +2 trained

members: Apollon, Blitz, Droid, Jolly, Network Ten, Softtech

October 8th?

Illusion 2016 renames to 2000 A.D.


Remember Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'

March 2nd

Remember Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'


Remember Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'


Remember Intro (C64) music

March 8th

Remember Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'


Remember Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'


Remember Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'


Remember Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'


Remember Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'


F4CG Intro (C64) music


F4CG Intro (C64) music

early August?

Triad Intro (C64) music

November 15th

Laxity Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'


Atlantis (C64) music


Death Intro (C64) music from 'Close to Finish'

March 15th

Illusion Intro (C64) music from 'Demo of Doom'

March 12th

Illusion Intro (C64) music from 'Demo of Doom'


Section 8 Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'


Section 8 Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'


X-Rated Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'

November 21st

Dominators Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'

August 14th

Illusion Intro (C64) music from 'Demo of Doom'

Illusion Intro (C64) music from 'Demo of Doom'


Unicess Intro (C64) music

March 26th

Mayhem Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'


Flame Intro (C64) music from 'Close to Finish'

March 13th

Compagnions Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'


Unity Intro (C64) music from 'Close to Finish'


New Dimension Crew Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'


Pulsar Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'


Success Intro (C64) font


Beat Ball cracked by Maniax - Docs (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'

August 20th?

Insiders & Hysteric Intro (C64) music from 'Demo of Doom'

Insiders & Hysteric Intro (C64) music from 'Demo of Doom'


Weird Intro (C64) music from 'Underlight!'


Insiders & Hysteric Intro (C64) music from 'Close to Finish'


Bouncing Heads cracked by Triad - Keymap (C64) music from 'Close to Finish'


Attack of Stubidos (C64) font


Anic Crew Intro (C64) music from 'Underlight!'

late February?

X-Ray Intro (C64) music


Crazy Intro (C64) music


Brutal Intro (C64) music from 'Antioxid'


Gax 777 Intro (C64) music

early October?

Crazy Intro (C64) music

after September?

Algot (C64) music


Paramount Intro (C64) music from 'Underlight!'

September 1st

Poison Intro (C64) music from a 'Wizax 2004 Intro'


Rad Ramp Racer (C64) music from 'Twistin' 88'


Ripps Disk 2 (C64) music

June 10th

Paramount & Alpha Flight 1970 Intro (C64) music from 'Underlight!'

May 25th

Acute (C64) font

ATC Intro (C64) music

Abase Intro (C64) font

late April?

It's so Excellent (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'

April 16th

Que (C64) font


Genesis Project Intro (C64) music from 'Antioxid'

April 12th?

Genesis Project Intro (C64) music from 'Antioxid'

April 11th?

Genesis Project Intro (C64) music from 'Antioxid'

April 2nd

Toxic Oxid (C64) font from 'I'm Ruling'

March 30th

North East Crackers Intro (C64) music

March 28th

North East Crackers Intro (C64) music

March 18th

Sexvixens (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'


1.Dimension (C64) font

Abase Intro (C64) font

March 9th

Crazy Intro (C64) music


Cruel Killers Intro (C64) music from 'Close to Finish'

February 12th

Atrix Intro (C64) music


Munich Power (C64) font

February 5th

Getting Nuked (C64) music

Rough Trade Inc. Intro (C64) music


Lethal Display (C64) font


Chaos #1 Intro (C64) music

January 2nd

ATC Intro (C64) music

December 25th

The Fantasy Xmas! (C64) music


Actually (C64) font

December 13th?

Stage Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'

December 3rd

Follow the Leader (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'

November 28th

Union Intro (C64) music

November 23rd

Crazy Intro (C64) music


Abortion (C64) font


A New Cool Demo (C64) music


DCS Intro (C64) music

November 12th

Raistlin's Rankings 12/November/89 (C64) font from 'Setting for Perfection!!'

November 6th

Lazer Intro (C64) music

October 24th

Dominators Intro (C64) music from a 'Wizax 2004 Intro'

October 18th

Union Intro (C64) music

October 5th

Illusion Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'

Illusion Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'

September 30th

Illusion Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'

September 21st

Illusion Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'


Around the Planet (C64) music


Illusion Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'


Beurk (C64) music

August 26th

Amazing Demo: #01 (C64) music

late August

Rough Trade Inc. Intro (C64) music


Channel Zero (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'


Soldiers of Creasing Sun Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'


Abnormal Intro (C64) logo for Abnormal, already used in 'Illegal'


Abnormal Intro (C64) logo for Abnormal, already used in 'Illegal'

July 15th

Fantasia (C64) music

July 7th

TEC...Pardy Demo (C64) music from 'Underlight!'


Zynchro Blocks (C64) music


Jaguar (C64) font


SCI 666 Intro (C64) music


SCI 666 Intro (C64) music

June 29th

The Larch 2 (C64) font

June 27th

The Seventh Sector Intro (C64) music


Babygang Intro (C64) music

June 8th

The Force Intro (C64) music from a 'Wizax 2004 Intro'

May 14th

Harbinger II (C64) music

May 2nd

North East Crackers Intro (C64) music

April 29th

Excess Intro (C64) music

April 23rd

No Mercy! (C64) support from ??? and music from 'Antioxid'

April 22nd

Rough Trade Inc. Intro (C64) music

April 15th

Future Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro' and font from 'Setting for Perfection!!'

April 7th

DCS Intro (C64) music

April 3rd

Ultra Schmuck! (C64) music from 'Underlight!'

March 29th

Ikari Intro (C64) music for Ikari

March 25th

Illegal (C64) music from 'Demo of Doom'


Byterapers Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'

March 14th?

Accept II (C64) music

late? February

Rough Trade Inc. Intro (C64) music

February 26th

Delirium II (C64) music from 'Antioxid'

February 19th

Zap Intro (C64) music

February 18th

CCCP Intro (C64) music from a 'Wizax 2004 Intro'


Barbidul Verse I (C64) music

February 7th?

Drive Intro (C64) music from 'Close to Finish'

February 6th

Bytestar Intro (C64) music


711 Intro (C64) music from 'Underlight!'

February 4th

DCS Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'

February 2nd

DCS Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'

January 29th

Goodbye! (C64) music

late January

Danish Dream Line Intro (C64) music from a 'Wizax 2004 Intro'

January 21st

Crisis (C64) music

January 18th?

So-Phisticated part II (C64) music


Brainstorm (C64) music from 'Underlight!'


Pulsar Intro (C64) music from 'Antioxid'


Return of Tristar (C64) music

January 12th

Bloodsuckers Intro (C64) music

Bloodsuckers Intro (C64) music

January 10th

Aciiieeed (C64) music

January 8th

Original (C64) music

January 7th

New Edition Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'

January 2nd

Sinapism II (C64) music

December 31st

Mayhem Intro (C64) music from 'Close to Finish'

December 26th

Meeting 2 (C64) music

December 21st

Ikari Intro (C64) music

December 16th

Beyond Me.. (C64) music


New Formula Crew Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'


FBI Crew Intro (C64) music from 'Underlight!'

December 15th

DCS + Ikari Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'

December 13th

Power Drive (C64) music

December 12th

Muna Jailla (C64) music

December 2nd

Ikari Intro (C64) music from a 'Wizax 2004 Intro'

Ikari Intro (C64) music

December 1st

Ikari Intro (C64) music from a 'Wizax 2004 Intro'

November 29th

Logo Show Nr 0001 (C64) music

late? November?

The Austrian Warrior Intro (C64) music

late November

Ikari Intro (C64) music for Ikari / 2000 A.D.

November 25th

Seeker 5 (C64) graphics for Abnormal, already used in 'Setting for Perfection!!'

Ikari Intro (C64) music

November 19th

Mayhem Intro (C64) music from 'Underlight!'

Mayhem Intro (C64) music from 'Underlight!'

November 17th

Ikari Intro (C64) music

mid November

A Normal Day ! (C64) music


New Formula Crew Intro (C64) music from 'Antioxid'

November 11th

Ikari Intro (C64) music for Ikari

November 9th

Ikari Intro (C64) music from a 'Wizax 2004 Intro'

November 2nd

Ikari Intro (C64) music from a 'Wizax 2004 Intro'

October 30th

The Other One (C64) music

Druids Intro (C64) music from 'Close to Finish'

October 29th

Rawhead Intro (C64) music from 'Close to Finish'

October 27th

711 Intro (C64) music from 'Underlight!'

Lazer Intro (C64) music

October 26th

711 Intro (C64) music from 'Underlight!'

October 22nd

Ikari Intro (C64) music for Ikari

Ikari Intro (C64) music from a 'Wizax 2004 Intro'

October 22nd?

Zenith Intro (C64) music from 'Close to Finish'

October 20th

Ikari Intro (C64) music for Ikari

Bytestar Intro (C64) music from 'Close to Finish'

mid October

Mantronix Intro (C64) music from a 'Wizax 2004 Intro'


Alpha Flight Intro (C64) music from 'Close to Finish'

October 14th

Ikari Intro (C64) music for Ikari

October 12th

Ikari Intro (C64) music for Ikari

October 9th

Indicator (C64) music from 'Underlight!'

October 6th

Ikari Intro (C64) music for Ikari

around October 4th

Ikari Intro (C64) music for Ikari

October 4th

Ikari Intro (C64) music for Ikari

early October?

FBI Crew Intro (C64) music from 'Underlight!'

October 3rd

Axenon Intro (C64) music from 'Close to Finish'

Axenon Intro (C64) music from 'Close to Finish'

October 1st

Ikari Intro (C64) music for Ikari

September 30th

711 Intro (C64) music from 'Underlight!'

late September

Ikari Intro (C64) music for Ikari

September 24th

Ikari Intro (C64) music for Ikari

Danish Dream Line Intro (C64) music from 'Demo of Doom'

September 17th

Ikari Intro (C64) music for Ikari

September 16th (PCW-Show '88)

Ikari Intro (C64) music for Ikari


Go III (C64) music

September 11th

Public Enemy Intro (C64) music from a 'Wizax 2004 Intro'

September 10th

Ikari Intro (C64) music for Ikari

September 3rd

Digital Dreams Intro (C64) music from a 'Wizax 2004 Intro'

September 1st

Carillo! (C64) music from a 'Wizax 2004 Intro'

late August

Ikari Intro (C64) music from 'Close to Finish'

August 27th

X-Ray Intro (C64) music from an 'Ikari Intro'

August 23rd

International Network of Chaos Intro (C64) music

August 22nd?

Amiga Fever! (C64) music


Madness (C64) music

August 12th

Zealous (C64) music from 'Respectable!'

August 8th

711 Intro (C64) music from 'Underlight!'

August 6th

Ikari Intro (C64) music for Ikari

Sphinx Intro (C64) music from 'Demo of Doom'

August 5th

Ikari Intro (C64) music for Ikari

Ikari Intro (C64) music for Ikari

Ikari Intro (C64) music for Ikari

August 2nd

Ikari Intro (C64) music for Ikari

July 29th

Ikari Intro (C64) music for Ikari

Fusion Intro (C64) music from 'Close to Finish'

Fusion Intro (C64) music from 'Close to Finish'

International Network of Chaos Intro (C64) music

late July?

Beastie Boys Intro (C64) music

late July

Beastie Boys Intro (C64) music

July 27th

Plague (C64) music from 'D V Jeg Ik Enu'

June 30th

Legend Intro (C64) music from 'Underlight!'

June 17th

Ikari Intro (C64) music from 'Antioxid'


Legend Intro (C64) music


Hulkamania I (C64) music from 'Respectable!'

May 27th?

Legend Intro (C64) music from 'Underlight!'

April 1st?

Don't Wonder! (C64) font