Mission Nada (C64) code for Panoramic Designs / Magic Disk 64
Reaction (C64) code for Panoramic Designs / Magic Disk 64
member of Panoramic Designs
Anti Aciiid (C64) code for Panoramic Designs
Address: Haavar B. Hojem - Stiklestad - 7650 Verdal - Norway - +47-76-75771
April 16th
member of Panoramic Designs
nick: HBH
member of Amok
Telephone: +47-76-75771
October 20th
Kinky (C64) design & code for Abnormal
Address: Haavar Hojem - Stiklestad - 7650 Verdal - Norway - +47-76-75771
April 2nd
Late at Party (C64) code for Abnormal
March 25th (Ikari & Zargon Party)
Illegal (C64) design & code for Abnormal
Address: Haavar Hojem - Stiklestad - 7650 Verdal - Norway
March 8th
Bad Loosers (C64) code for Abnormal
before March 8th
member of Abnormal
Telephone: +47-76-75771
February 26th (Rawhead, Bros & Suppliers Copy Party)
Seeker VIII - Partyseeker (C64) code & logo for Abnormal
Address: Haavar Hojem - Stiklestad - 7650 Verdal - Norway
January 1st?
Seeker VII - Death Seeker (C64) code & graphics for Abnormal
December 27th
member of Abnormal
Address: Haavar Hojem - Stiklestad - 7650 Verdal - Norway
December 12th
Merciless (C64) code for Abnormal
Address: Havar Hojem - Stiklestad - 7650 Verdal - Norway - +47-76-75771
November 25th
member of Abnormal
November 8th
member of Abnormal
after November 5th?
member of Abnormal
November 5th
member of Abnormal
October 12th?
Freaks in Space (C64) logos for Abnormal, one logo already used in 'Snubnosed' and one logo already used in 'Plague'
October 9th (Abnormal/Razor 1911/Cartel Copyparty)
Indicator (C64) code & graphics for Abnormal
Abnormal Intro (C64) code for Abnormal
Demo Pack (C64) support for Force Ten / Abnormal
August 12th
member of Abnormal
July 27th
Plague (C64) code & graphics for Abnormal
Telephone: +47-76-76893
July 20th
Thrillseeker (C64) code & logo? for Abnormal
July 10th (Ikari/Dominators/Upfront/Danish Gold Copyparty)
Snubnosed (C64) code & logo for Abnormal
June 14th
leaves The Hidden Forces and founds Abnormal
Propulsion (C64) logo for The Hidden Forces
June 10th?
Moon (C64) code & fonts for The Hidden Forces
The Hidden Forces Intro (C64) code for The Hidden Forces
Address: Haavar Hojem - Stiklestad - 7650 Verdal - Norway - +47-76-76893
June 4th?
member of The Hidden Forces
Address: Haavar Hojem - Stiklestad - 7650 Verdal - Norway - +47-76-76893
May 9th
member of The Hidden Forces
Telephone: +47-76-76893
April 16th?
Hidden Science (C64) code for The Hidden Forces + Science 451
nick: ZTH (Zero the Hero)
late August
Ihwy (C64) code
April 15th
Abnormal Intro (C64) code for Abnormal
April 2nd
Abnormal Intro (C64) code for Abnormal
November 5th
Welcome TBL (C64) code for Abnormal, already used in 'Indicator'
August 12th
Zealous (C64) code & logo? for Abnormal, already used in 'Thrillseeker'
July 27th
Plague (C64) code & logo? for Abnormal, already used in 'Thrillseeker'
June 14th?
The Hidden Forces Intro (C64) code for The Hidden Forces