
leaves Chromance and joins F4CG


member of Chromance


Bouncy Cars (C64) cracked & +1 trained for Alpha Flight 1970

Alpha Flight Intro (C64) NTSC fixed for Alpha Flight 1970

June 9th

Lemon Blues (C64) cracked & +1 trained

Alpha Flight Intro (C64) code, graphics & NTSC fixed for Alpha Flight 1970


Crossfire (C64) cracked & +1 trained for Alpha Flight 1970

late November

member of Alpha Flight 1970


member of Alpha Flight 1970

November 10th?

Haenschen in Monsterland (C64) graphics for Caladan

August 21st

member of Hysteric

late April

member of Hysteric


leaves Hysteric


Hysteric Intro (C64) code & graphics for Hysteric

August 20th

Mirage Intro (C64) font for Mirage / Hysteric & The Insiders

August 20th?

leaves The Insiders and joins Hysteric


Insiders & Hysteric Intro (C64) code & font for The Insiders & Hysteric, font already used in a 'Sabian Intro'

April 1st

7th Heaven (C64) logo for Gloom


CaveMania (C64) cracked & +3 trained for Sabian

Sabian Intro (C64) code & graphics for Sabian

February 23rd

Back Again (C64) font from a 'Sabian Intro'


Alpha Flight Intro (C64) code, graphics & NTSC fixed for Alpha Flight 1970


Hysteric Intro (C64) code & graphics for Hysteric


Hysteric Intro (C64) code & graphics for Hysteric

September 16th

Mirage Intro (C64) font for Mirage / Hysteric & The Insiders

late August

Insiders & Hysteric Intro (C64) code & font for The Insiders & Hysteric, font already used in a 'Sabian Intro'

August 20th

Mirage Intro (C64) font for Mirage / Hysteric & The Insiders

August 20th?

Insiders & Hysteric Intro (C64) code & font for The Insiders & Hysteric, font already used in a 'Sabian Intro'

Insiders & Hysteric Intro (C64) code & font for The Insiders & Hysteric, font already used in a 'Sabian Intro'