after August
Wonderland II (C64) graphics for Censor Design
leaves Triad and founds Censor Design
member of Triad
March 25th (Ikari & Zargon Party)
Chaos III (C64) graphics for Paragon
November 5th (The Silents Alvesta-Meeting)
Censor II (C64) graphics for Paragon
Censor (C64) graphics for Paragon, one picture already used in '3001 Carat'
May 14th (Agile & Rebels Copyparty)
Almighty (C64) design & additional graphics for Paragon
early February
1988 Carat (C64) graphics for Paragon, picture partly already used in '3001 Carat'
January 3rd?
3001 Carat (C64) graphics & code for Paragon
December 18th
member of Paragon