Avantgarde Intro (C64) graphics for RAM-X of Avantgarde
Avantgarde Intro (C64) logo for Avantgarde
member of Avantgarde
Avantgarde Intro (C64) logo for Avantgarde
April 8th
member of Avantgarde
February 14th
Avantgarde Intro (C64) logo for Avantgarde
May 24th
Legend & NEI Intro (C64) graphics for Legend & North East Importers
Legend Intro (C64) logo for Legend
Toyballs (C64) graphics for ABC Department / Double Density / Magic Disk 64
January 19th?
Legend Intro (C64) graphics for Legend
May 3rd
member of Legend
April 4th
North East Crackers Intro (C64) logo for North East Crackers / Future Concepts, already used in 'North East Crackers Intro'
October 25th
North East Crackers Intro (C64) logo for North East Crackers / Future Concepts
October 10th
Crusade Intro (C64) font? for Crusade / Future Concepts
Sign of Death (C64) graphics for Future Concepts
May 19th
member of Future Concepts
Future Concepts Intro (C64) logos for Future Concepts, one logo already used in 'Omega'
Omega (C64) graphics for Future Concepts
Address: Lionel Barbier - 4 Rue des Rois - 1204 Geneva - Switzerland
September 7th
Babywolf (C64) design & logos for Babygang + Wolfen
August 6th
member of Babygang
early January?
Avantgarde Intro (C64) logo for Avantgarde
Avantgarde Intro (C64) logo for Avantgarde
Avantgarde Intro (C64) logo for Avantgarde
Avantgarde Intro (C64) logo for Avantgarde
late February?
Sacred Intro (C64) font from a 'Legend & NEI Intro'
Mechanix Intro (C64) font from a 'Legend Intro'
December 8th?
Legend Intro (C64) logo for Legend
July 7th
Legend & NEI Intro (C64) graphics for Legend & North East Importers
June 17th
Legend & NEI Intro (C64) graphics for Legend & North East Importers
May 29th
Legend & NEI Intro (C64) graphics for Legend & North East Importers
May 26th
Legend & NEI Intro (C64) graphics for Legend & North East Importers
April 11th?
Legend Intro (C64) logo for Legend
Acrise & Varsity Intro (C64) font from a 'Legend Intro'
Acrise & Varsity Intro (C64) font from a 'Legend Intro'
Acrise & Varsity Intro (C64) font from a 'Legend Intro'
February 23rd
Delirious 8 - Manchild (C64) font from 'Omega'