end of the year

member of Atrix

Address: Fly / Atrix - Hovejen 47, v5 - 9400 Nrs - Denmark

October 2nd?

The Walk of Life (C64) code & fonts for Atrix, one font already used in 'Needles and Pins'

Address: The Fly - Høvejen 48, v5 - 9400 Nrs. - Denmark - +45-98-177339

June 23rd (Daniax Party)

Atrix Intro (C64) code for Atrix

May 9th

member of Atrix

Address: Fly of Atrix - Høvejen 48, v5 - 9400 Nørresundby - Denmark - +45-98-177339

April 24th

Atrix Intro (C64) code for Atrix


Assholes'n'Albows (C64) code & font for Atrix

member of Atrix and Eclipse

Address: The Fly of Atrix - Høvejen 48, v5 - 9400 Nrs. - Denmark - +45-98-177339


Atrix Intro (C64) code for Atrix

March 1st

member of Atrix

Address: Fly / Atrix - Høvejen 48, v5 - 9400 Nørresundby - Denmark - +45-98-177339

February 20th

Batteries Not Included (C64) code & font for Atrix, font already used in 'Needles and Pins'

Address: The Fly / Atrix - Høvejen 48, v5 - 9400 Nrs. - Denmark - +45-98-177339

February 12th

Atrix Intro (C64) code for Atrix

After the War cracked by Atrix - Trainer Menu (C64) code for Atrix

Address: The Fly of Atrix - Høvejen 48, v5. - 9400 Nrs. - Denmark - +45-98-177339

November 14th

Needles and Pins (C64) code & graphics for Atrix

Telephone: +45-98-177339


member of Atrix


joins Atrix


Color Buster cracked by WOW - Passwords (C64) code from 'Micronoter v2.0'


Danger! High Voltage! (preview) cracked by No Name - Note (C64) code from 'Micronoter v2.0'


Digital Madness (C64) code from 'Micronoter v2.0'

May 12th

Empius cracked by X-Factor - Note (C64) code from 'Micronoter v2.0'

July 7th

3 Years WOW (C64) code

October 2nd?

Atrix Intro (C64) code for Atrix

February 20th

Batteries Not Included (C64) code from 'Sidewriter v1.0'