March 8th
Beyond Dark Castle (C64) cracked
BBS: 7-11 BBS +1-303-699-7603, The Casino +1-303-693-7335
members: The Blue Bird, Rundy, The Hack Man, The General, Mother Hood,
March 5th
Blasteroids (C64) cracked & docs added
BBS: 7-11 +1-303-699-7603 (hq), The Casino +1-303-693-7335
members: Hackman, The Blue Bird, The General, Mother Hood, Cliffhanger, Belgarion,
December 2nd
Aussie Games (C64) cracked
BBS: 7-11 BBS +1-303-699-7603, The Casino +1-303-693-7335
members: The Blue Bird, The Hack Man, The General, Mother Hood, Cliff Hanger, Rundy!,
February 13th
Captain Blood (C64) cracked
BBS: Hackers Hideout +1-303-699-7810, Seven Eleven +1-303-699-7603,
members: The Blue Bird, Belgarion, The General, The Hack Man, Warewolf,
January 15th
Live and Let Die (C64) cracked
BBS: Seven Eleven +1-303-699-7603, The Hackers Hideout +1-303-699-7810,