after November 1st

Yesterdays (C64) music for Focus


Castle of Terror (C64) fixed the Horizon crack for emulators

June 29th (Hurricane & Brutal Party)

The Last Traktor III (C64)

members: Pernod, Boogaloo, Exilon, Judge, Mastermind, Kjer, Bagder, Zagor

late December (Dexion Party)

Brutal 3 (C64) music for Light, already used in 'A Load of Old Shit'


Not that Brutal (C64) music for Light, already used in 'A Load of Old Shit'

October 3rd

A Load of Old Shit (C64)

members: Bagder, Kjer, Judge, Pernod, Mastermind, Boogaloo, Zagor, Exilon

between March 25th - May 12th

Party Info #2 (C64)

joins Federation Against Ikari

March 25th (Ikari & Zargon Party)

Illegal (C64) music for Abnormal


Just for Fun (C64) code, logo?, music for Druids & Devils

early October?

Sanke 3003 and Levithan leave and join? Sub Zero

July 18th


Frankenstein (C64) cracked


Castle of Terror (C64) cracked


Desolator (C64) cracked


Castor (C64) music from ??? and 'Just for Fun'

August 7th

Attack of Stubidos 3 (C64) music from 'A Load of Old Shit'


Fear (C64) music from 'A Load of Old Shit'

late? December

Epic Intro (C64) music

October 8th

Death's Logoshow (C64) music

late May

Unicess Intro (C64) music


Mayhem Intro (C64) music

February 3rd

The Ruling Company Intro (C64) music

December 29th

The Ruling Company Intro (C64) music


Up the Limits II (C64) music


Attack of Stubidos (C64) music from 'A Load of Old Shit'


The Gulf (C64) font

May 12th

Breathless (C64) music

April 26th

Assassinate (C64) font


Daniaction Part 3 (C64) music from 'A Load of Old Shit'

January 20th

Spotlight (C64) soundfx


The Un-named Demo (C64) music from 'A Load of Old Shit'


Too Wicked (C64) music from 'A Load of Old Shit'


Black Destiny (C64) music from 'A Load of Old Shit'


Showcase Bonanza (C64) music


Natural (C64) music from 'A Load of Old Shit'

before May

Shaking the Rump (C64) music

March 1st

Ataraxia (C64) font?

February 17th

Made in Berlin (C64) sinus

February 9th

Solo Style 3 (C64) music

February 3rd

Party II (C64) font

early February

Novation! (C64) music

January 22nd

Squalid (C64) support

November 2nd

Worldwar (C64) sprites


Megapuke! (C64) music


Summer Code 3 (C64) font

August 9th

New Gold Dream (C64) music & support


Attraction (C64) music

before July 1st

Tyrant's Birthday (C64) music from 'Party Info #2'

June 20th

Naction (C64) font?

Electronic Dreams (C64) font from ??? & music from 'Party Info #2'

May 16th

Abdula Abdash (C64) music from 'Party Info #2'


Ratio 80 (C64) font from a 'Horizon Intro'

after April 3rd

Splasher 2 (C64) music

April 11th

Boonfire Intro (C64) music

April 3rd

Ultra Schmuck! (C64) music

March 29th

Stardom Intro (C64) font?

March 25th

Paragon Intro (C64) music from 'Just for Fun'

December 15th

Variety (C64) music from 'Party Info #2'

November 5th

Snurry-Demo (C64) sprites