after May 14th
Goblin, Flamingo and Waco leave
Tycoon leaves and joins Light
May 14th (Horizon & Equinoxe Copy Party)
Harbinger II (C64)
members: Elric, Syncro, Banshee, Golem, Tycoon, Leader, Injun, Hardcorps; sub-group Light: Goblin, Flamingo, Waco
before May 14th
Jaggadash and Phaeton leave
between March 25th - May 12th
they join Federation Against Ikari
Last Duel (C64) cracked & +3 trained
BBS: +1-215-434-3946, +1-718-857-9285
Gaunt leaves and joins Fairlight
members: Elric, Tycoon, Goblin, Injun, Syncro, Golem, Waco, Flamingo, Hardcorps
March 29th
Dan Cooper (C64) imported the Orion & Array crack
BBS: Import Zone +1-718-857-9285 (main), Hellzone +1-201-670-8554 (east),
members (USA): Poltergeist, Egghead, Doctor O, Mangar
March 9th
Eliminator (C64) cracked & docs added
late February?
Ace 2088 (C64) cracked
Dynamic Duo (C64) cracked
BBS: Agile HQ USA +1-215-434-3946
some guys join
members: Elric, Tycoon, Syncro, Gaunt, Leader, Injun, Hardcorps, Goblin, Flamingo, Waco, Jaggadash
Bore... (C64) music for Light, already used in 'Monkey -88-'
early January
Fist+ (C64) cracked & +2 trained
Better Dead than Alien (C64) cracked & passwords added
November 29th
Logo Show Nr 0001 (C64) logo by Light
November 25th
Moi Bob and Goblin leave and found Light
November 5th (The Silents Alvesta-Meeting)
Live and Let Die (C64) cracked & +2 trained
BBS: +1-215-434-3946
October 28th
5th Gear (C64) cracked, +10 trained & music ripped
Monkey -88- (C64)
Fox Fights Back (C64) cracked & +1 trained
early October?
Gary Lineker's Super Skills (C64) cracked
BBS: +1-215-434-3946
July 29th
Ikari Intro (C64) code & logo for Ikari
July 5th
Dream Warrior (C64) cracked
June 21st
Alloyrun (C64) debugged the Legend crack
mid June
The Return (C64)
May 28th?
The Flintstones (C64) cracked
Beyond the Ice Palace (C64) cracked & +2 trained
April 30th
G.U.T.Z (C64) cracked & +2 trained
Cleo leaves Xakk and joins
April 1st
NorthStar (C64) cracked & +1 trained
March 26th
Magnetron (C64) cracked
March 19th
Rimrunner (C64) cracked
Bouncing Heads cracked by Light - Docs (C64) music
April 16th
Pappa Bagder (C64) sprite from 'Harbinger'
January 20th
Against Nazis !! (C64) music from 'Monkey -88-'
December 1st
Atomized (C64) music from 'Monkey -88-'
First Over Germany cracked by Fairlight - Docs (C64) music from 'Monkey -88-'
April 8th
New Edition Intro (C64) font
February 23nd
Meeting Demo (C64) font?
December 5th
Why Not Mosh ! (C64) fonts
No Style (C64) font
November 8th
Sick (C64) font
late September
Ikari Intro (C64) code & logo for Ikari
August 29th
Cosmos Intro (C64) font
August 12th
Zealous (C64) font
July 20th
Thrillseeker (C64) font
July 18th
Back←Strike! (C64) font from 'Backdrop Designer'
June 14th
Propulsion (C64) font
June 10th?
Moon (C64) font