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Commodore 64

© 1992 Horizon


- Fritz Laufwerk -

Coding and Most Graphics by Pernod

'Sunset' by Joakim Martensson and Pernod

Music by Bappalander of Light

- Heinz Lesekopf -

Raytracing Coding by Exilon and Boogaloo

Scroller Coding and Graphics by Pernod

Music by Bappalander of Light
from the demo 'Brutality'

- Shreckenninja -

Coding and Vectors by Boogaloo and Exilon

Graphics by Pernod

Music by Boogaloo of Skyline Technics

- Die Ende -

Coding and Graphics by Pernod

Music by Boogaloo of Skyline Technics

Released on June 29th, 1992
at the Hurricane & Brutal Party
in Samsø, Denmark