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Commodore 64

© 1991 The Digital Underground


- Intro -

Coding by Iceman

Logo by Fozzie of Antic

Music by Patrick Peters of Audial Arts

- FLI Logo + Multisplit Rasters -

Coding and Logo by Iceman

Font by Gordon of Opal

Sprites by Yup and Burp of Shape

Music by Metal of Bonzai

- Flex + Plotter -

Coding and Logo by Iceman

3x4 Font by Orc? of Black Mail?

Upper 1x1 Font by Triad

Music by Markus Schneider of Lords of Sonics
from the game 'No Mercy'

- Plotter Effects -

Coding and Graphics by Iceman

Music by JCH of Vibrants

- The End Part -

Coding, Logo and Sprites by Iceman

Big Font by GBF Design of Crest

Music by Zardax of Origo Dreamline

- The Raging Note! -

Coding by Iceman
from the tool 'Ice-Writer v2.1'

Music by Macmagic of The Ruling Company
from the demo 'One Year Demo'

Released on June 7th, 1991