Commodore 64

© 1990 War Deal Lamers  


- Intro -

Coding, 'Skulls'? and Logo by Suicide

Sprite Font by Zodiac of Flash Inc.
from the demo 'Attraction III'

Music by Drax of Vibrants

- Lame Plotter -

Coding by Outlaw

Music by Johannes Bjerregaard

- Multiplexer -

Coding by Outlaw

Logo by Funtrax of Network

Sprite Font by Suicide

Music by Lars Hoff of Prosonix

(Press [Space] to change Sinus and [C=] to continue)

- Lamers Fuck Off! -

Coding, Logo? and Sprites? by Suicide

Music by Markus Schneider of Lords of Sonics
from a 'Level 99 Intro'
(tune is heavily damaged,
but the online version works fine)

- Pervo Chainsaw-Sex Demo -

Coding and Most Sprites by Suicide

Picture and 'Pigeons'? by Michael Kosaka
from the game 'Summer Games II'

'Donald' by Al Lowe
from the game 'Donald Duck's Playground'

Music by Drax of Vibrants

- Lamer Plotter -

Coding by Outlaw

Logo by Funtrax of Network

Font by Metalmind

Music by
Johannes Bjerregaard of Maniacs of Noise
from the game 'Nightdawn'

(Joystick in Port 2 to adjust Sinusplot)

- Grave Party -

Coding by Outlaw

'Graveyard' by Metalmind

Logo by Funtrax of Network

2x2 Font by BHF of Hoaxers
from the demo 'Conqueror'

Music by Guy Shavitt
of Sidchip Scratchers of The Force
from the demo 'Vector-Victory'
(tune is damaged)

- Hammerfist-Fuck -

Coding and Additional Graphics by Suicide

Original Picture by Hugh Riley
from the game 'Hammerfist'

Music by Wally Beben
from the game 'Hammerfist'

(Joystick in Port 2 to choose Tune)
(Press [CTRL] to stop Rasters)

- 80 Char DYCP -

Idea by Suicide

Coding by Outlaw

Logo by Funtrax of Network

'Donald' by Al Lowe
from the game 'Donald Duck's Playground'

Music by Reyn Ouwehand of Maniacs of Noise
from the game 'Flimbo's Quest'

(Joystick in Port 2 to control Scroll)

- $D011 + Sideborder -

Coding and Additional Graphics by Suicide

Additional Coding by Pinky of Raw Deal Inc.

Picture by Pegasus

Logo by BHF of Hoaxers
from the demo 'Fitterull'

Sprite Font by Impulse

1x1 Font from the game 'Platoon'

Music by Ole-Marius Pettersen of Prosonix

Released on November 4th, 1990
at the Censor Design Party
in Gothenborg, Sweden