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Commodore 64

© 1988 Tour De Future  


- Intro -

Coding by Matt'

Music by Rob Hubbard
from the game 'Ace 2'

- First Part -

Coding by Matt'

'Planet' by Martin Walker
from the game 'Hunter's Moon'

2x2 Font by Star Frontiers

1x1 Font by S. Murray
from the game 'Flash Gordon'

Music by Jeroen Tel of Maniacs of Noise
from the game 'Cybernoid'

- Second Part -

Coding by Matt'

'Statues' and 'Landscape' by Bob Stevenson
from the game 'Salamander'?

Music by Ben Daglish
from the game 'Masters of the Universe'

- Third Part -

Coding by Matt'

'Spaceship' by Bob Stevenson
from the game 'IO'

Music by Frank Endler
from the game 'Task III'

(Press [Space] to choose Tune)

Released on December 1st, 1988
for the Australian Demo Competition