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- The Intro -
Coding and Graphics by Oliver Stiller
Idea and Design by Frank Nürnberger
Music by Charles Deenen of Maniacs of Noise
- Welcome -
Coding and Graphics by Frank Nürnberger
Additional Coding by Oliver Stiller
Music by Charles Deenen of Maniacs of Noise
- Greetings -
Coding and Font by Oliver Stiller
- Party Story -
Coding and Logo by Frank Nürnberger
Fonts by Markus Schnier
Music by Jens Blidon of Lords of Sonics
- Credits -
Design by Frank Nürnberger and Oliver Stiller
Page Display Routine by Frank Nürnberger
Page Fadeout Routine by Oliver Stiller
Music by
Falco Paul of 20th Century Composers
Released on March 11th, 1989
at the CeBIT 1989
in Hannover, West-Germany
Pressing [Reset] in the 'Party Story' part gives
you the possibility to print MDGs' addresses